A cross cultural, cross generational 9 month program.♥Actually it is more of an experience than a program. ♥Potter's House is about an atmosphere of God’s tangible manifest presence. ♥It’s about becoming personally free, becoming a disciple of Christ and then becoming naturally supernatural. ♥It is a place where culture is being created…people who have a “kingdom” mindset and see the world as a place that they can affect in a truly powerful way-where miracles, signs and wonders are becoming both frequent and normal.

♥People who have been through Potter’s House School know better how they fit in their world and how to function in it in a supernatural way. ♥If you would like to be closer to the Lord, if you would like a safe place to learn how to minister to others in the Gifts of the Spirit, if you would like to live a naturally supernatural life style where you get to see the Kingdom of God come to earth, then Potter’s House may be a place for you.


Potter's House One Minute Video Interviews!

Stephanie from Minnesota talks about her experience in Potter's House School of the Supernatural! She attended September 2008 through December 2009.

We are now accepting applications for Fall 2010! Go to: http://www.tmvv.org/ to apply or to find more details!

Tonya from Indiana talks about her PH time!

Leonard from SoCal on PHSOS.

Jeff from North Carolina tells you about Potter's House.