A cross cultural, cross generational 9 month program.♥Actually it is more of an experience than a program. ♥Potter's House is about an atmosphere of God’s tangible manifest presence. ♥It’s about becoming personally free, becoming a disciple of Christ and then becoming naturally supernatural. ♥It is a place where culture is being created…people who have a “kingdom” mindset and see the world as a place that they can affect in a truly powerful way-where miracles, signs and wonders are becoming both frequent and normal.

♥People who have been through Potter’s House School know better how they fit in their world and how to function in it in a supernatural way. ♥If you would like to be closer to the Lord, if you would like a safe place to learn how to minister to others in the Gifts of the Spirit, if you would like to live a naturally supernatural life style where you get to see the Kingdom of God come to earth, then Potter’s House may be a place for you.


Potter's House Curriculum

DICTIONARY.COM cur·ric·u·lum /kəˈrɪk yə ləm/ [kuh-rik-yuh-luh m]
1.the aggregate of courses of study given in a school, college, university, etc.: The school is adding more science courses to its curriculum. 2.the regular or a particular course of study in a school, college, etc.

We Are Often Asked About Our Curriculum at Potter’s House…

Potter’s House School of the Supernatural has a uniquely designed curriculum for each individual student! But it is not charted & strategized by the staff. We DO have a very intentional set of values and teachings that fit together from September through May that will move you from one place to the next.

They Include:

Living Present Future

Living on the Right Side of the Cross

Baggage vs. Luggage

Rest & Peace

Your Identity In God

Prophetic Ministry

Healing Ministry

The Theology of Presence

Body, Soul & Spirit

Relational Disciplines

and many more.

These lessons alone will challenge, stretch and strengthen your idea of who God is and His relationship to you.

The unique, individually designed curriculum comes out in the innumerable moments of finding yourself face to face with a Holy God who adores you! The Holy Spirit sets you up day after day to see God in His truth and beauty and revel in His immense love for you. The books you read (10), the Bible Reading Assignments (Through the Bible in a Year), the directed Bible meditations (One passage a week to be discussed) and the amazing Guest Teachers all combine to become exactly what the Holy Spirit wants you to learn!

Then when you add your roommates, jobs and social life to the mix, you truly see that all of life is spiritual and that you are here on this earth for a distinct and precise purpose and you can walk into it with JOY!

Sounds Like a Wonderful Curriculum!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your blog